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Improve Your Business with Practical and Expert Insights

Stay ahead of the competition with Hamish's informative blog, featuring technical articles and practical advice to help local businesses improve their websites. Expert insights and hands-on tips can help you achieve your online goals and take your business to the next level.

28 Feb 2022


At a basic level, CloudFlare is a DNS host, and a very good one at that. To say DNS zones is all they do would be an understatement. CloudFlare has some great features for basic websites, as it is a CDN (content delivery network) with added functionality.

When it comes to website performance and security, one name that often comes up is Cloudflare . While the company is primarily known for its DNS hosting services, it offers so much more than that....

21 Feb 2022


Unfortunately we had to replace Hover in May 2022, as it was becoming a nightmare for .au + .nz domain management and transfers. VentraIP worked really well, transfers were quick and easy.

When it comes to managing domains, it's important to have a registrar that's easy to use and reliable. Unfortunately, our previous registrar Hover was starting to cause more problems than...